Silverwolf Rabbitry Farm & Crafts
Silverwolf Rabbitry Farm & Crafts is a multifaceted agricultural farm integrating traditional animal husbandry with craftwork. We carefully keep a range of animals, including Shetland Sheep, Silver, and Rex Rabbits, and various kinds of poultry—Brahmas, Speckled Sussex, and Muscovy Ducks—which allows us to practice detailed and nuanced livestock management.
We work with livestock and offer courses in livestock management and the many crafts associated with our farm, both the age-old and modern crafts related to the kinds of livestock we keep. This helps sustain and even revive many of the rural traditions our forebears relied on. A few of the services we offer are fiber arts, soapmaking, candle making, sewing, blacksmithing, engraving, and soil amendments. Our commitment to preserving these traditions goes hand in hand with our dedication to sustainable farming practices..
Around the Farm & Show
Silverwolf Rabbitry & Farm
Contact E-Mail: silverwolfrabbitryfarm@gmail.com
By Appointment Only
Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 1pm - 6pm
​​Saturday: 1am - 4pm
​Sunday: Closed
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